External PostgreSQL Database Integration

We're thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to fastgen – the ability to connect your own external PostgreSQL database! This powerful feature offers you more control, flexibility, and security when managing your data.

Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a more robust data management experience. By connecting your external PostgreSQL database, you can replace our hosted database and leverage your own infrastructure for increased scalability and data security.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed documentation link now correctly directs from /introduction page to /overview
  • Variable form of action name has been fixed to ensure accurate representation of action names in variables
  • Whole page scrolling on MultiSelectComponent dropdown has been resolved for an enhanced user experience when interacting with multi-select components
  • Added frontend implementation for the != operator, expanding logical operations for better workflow customization
  • Connect bar has been added to Actions (ChatGPT, Sendgrid, Slack, Twilio) for a streamlined connection process for third-party integrations
  • Removed the copy-key button below action name to simplify the action interface for improved usability
  • A key icon with tooltip for actionKey has been added for better visibility and understanding of action keys
  • Implemented fixed height for error messages to ensure a consistent interface and smoother user experience
  • Fixed Firefox invite code buttons, enhancing compatibility and functionality across different browsers
  • Refactored the code editor fullscreen for an improved code editing experience with an optimized fullscreen view
  • Added .item and .value for copy key value, simplifying the process of copying key values within workflows
  • Introduced dynamic textarea heights and replaced some inputs for enhanced visibility and usability of text input areas
  • Fixed incorrect action icons in flow to ensure accurate representation of actions for a more intuitive workflow experience
  • Resolved the code editor cursor jump issue, with the cursor now accurately remaining in the correct position during editing