Introducing Email Trigger, CSV Import and Major Flow Builder Enhancements

Email Trigger

Unleash the Power of Email-Driven Workflows! You can now trigger your workflows using incoming emails, in addition to the existing time interval and event triggers. This new Email Trigger allows you to access the content of the incoming email directly within your flows, giving you even more flexibility and control.

CSV Import

It's finally here: CSV Import for tables. You can now easily import data from CSV files into existing tables or when creating new tables, making it a breeze to populate your tables and work with your data.

Flow Builder Revamp

We've given the flow builder a major UI/UX overhaul based on your valuable feedback. The most significant change is the introduction of auto-save for actions, so you no longer need to manually save each action. This improvement streamlines your workflow and ensures your progress is always saved.

New Loop Control Actions

We've added two new actions: 'Skip Iteration' and 'Exit Loop'. These actions allow you to dynamically control the flow of your loops based on specific conditions, enabling you to create more sophisticated loops.

Fixes & Improvements

Unified the UI for HTTP and GraphQL Actions, bringing consistency between the small action view and the configuration view.

  • Added an alert when attempting to close a tab before saving changes, preventing accidental data loss.
  • Introduced options in the settings preferences page to disable specific shortcuts (keybindings), avoiding double assignments.
  • Resolved a bug where some keyboard listeners remained active even when switching away from a Fastgen tab to another tab.
  • Significantly improved the speed of debug mode, allowing for faster testing and troubleshooting of your workflows.
  • Enhanced error handling by displaying the exact error message when package installation fails in customCodeAction.

We're constantly working to improve your experience and deliver the features you need. As always, we value your feedback and are here to support you every step of the way. Happy building!