Fastgen Open Beta

Hello there! We're excited to announce that Fastgen has moved from a closed to an open beta. This means that starting now, anyone can sign up and use Fastgen. But that's not all. We've also launched an intuitive self-onboarding process, a new and improved onboarding flow, and introduced billing. We haven't forgotten about those of you wanting to dip your toes first - we now have a free tier available for you!

The Self Onboarding and the New Onboarding Flow are designed to make your initial steps with Fastgen as seamless as possible. If you're new to us, you'll find the guidance you need to start building APIs and workflows effortlessly. And when you're ready to fully plunge into the vast sea of possibilities with Fastgen, our billing setup has got you covered. Just go to the billing section of your dashboard, and you'll be guided through the process.

As always, reach out to our support team if you need assistance. Enjoy building with Fastgen!

Fixes & Improvements

  • Special characters like German umlauts, Chinese characters, and emojis now display correctly in debug mode and within the Logs.
  • A warning is now displayed on the sidebar navigation if a payment fails and free plan limits are activated.
  • The option to add response headers to the success & error response actions is now available. This includes the ability to display headers in logs, make the key-value component read-only, and display resolved variables in debug mode.
  • Overlapping buttons in the "Test with Postman" modal are now fixed.
  • The ConnectorButton is now disabled in debug mode.
  • A new feature allows you to upload pictures for workflows, projects, and profiles in the settings.
  • An issue in the database view that prevented new entries when the plan was set to unlimited rows is now fixed.
  • Cloudflare image processing has been implemented. This means your uploaded images are rendered, cropped, and cached through the Cloudflare CDN for faster load times.
  • The settings page now includes the option to change your first and last name.
  • Documentation links have been updated.
  • Typos in the login input field placeholder have been corrected.
  • Testing custom headers in the debug flow is now possible.
  • A pop-up link to the demo video has been added for new workspaces.
  • Text, particularly in onboarding, has been improved for clarity.
  • Alignments and animations in the onboarding flow have been fixed and improved.
  • The Fastgen subdomain has been changed from to
  • Several fixes include settings menu for small display heights, project switcher menu hitpoints for mouse clicks, support links, and documentation links.
  • Usage banner design has been improved.
  • Onboarding scroll issues have been fixed and animations added.
  • A number of smaller UI improvements have been implemented.
  • Subdomain replace issue for legacy domains has been fixed.
  • A typo in the search bar has been corrected.
  • The domain for project creation has been switched from to
  • Recent quick jumps to routes, tables, and workflows have been added to the command bar.
  • A bug in the debug mode has been fixed.
  • The Editor now features auto size increase for better code input.
  • New onboarding flow and login pages have been introduced.