
Explore our recent updates and enhancements

April 21, 2023

Introducing Logging: Gain Valuable Insights into Your API and Workflow Activity

We're excited to introduce our latest feature: Logging! This addition allows you to access logs of all requests made to your APIs created with Fastgen and all Workflow executions. Logging helps you better understand your API and Workflow performance, so you can effectively maintain and optimize them.

Log Details

The Logging feature shows details about each request and workflow execution, including request and response headers, request bodies, and action data within your flows. Timestamps are also provided, making it easy to see when each event took place.

Sorting and Filtering

Find what you need in your logs with sorting and filtering options. Sort by route, HTTP status, and date to quickly identify patterns or issues.

Request & Response Data

Understand the responses your APIs and Workflows generate by viewing response headers and bodies. This information helps you identify any discrepancies and make adjustments as needed.

To access Logging, go to the "Logs" tab in your Fastgen dashboard. There, you can explore the logs for your APIs and Workflows and analyze activity to improve your projects.

As always, we're here to help if you have any questions or need assistance. Don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy logging! 📊


  • Switch between live and draft routes in Debug Mode
  • Access workspaces through the Project Switcher
  • Adjust project and workspace settings with new Settings pages
  • Delete workflows and projects with a new option
  • Code editor action variable autocomplete
  • Action variable button for code editor and other action input fields
  • Tab and arrow key navigation in the Data Hub
  • Log module displaying previous runs of requests and workflows
  • Redirection to new workspace/project after creation
  • Improved scrolling behavior for trackpads inside builders


  • Fixed unresponsive route settings view button
  • Resolved global font inconsistencies
  • Addressed last row issue preventing submission with empty string values
  • Fixed unresponsive Slack Channel and Timezone SearchDropdowns in time-based workflow top action
  • Resolved issues with displaying large ActionsLog (>200kb) in DebugMode and Loglist
  • Fixed deletion errors in table rows and missing assignment of ID to the Table row object
  • Resolved issues with toggling booleans in Data Hub
  • Navigating back to the workflow list if a workflow is deleted inside the builder
  • Deselecting a SearchDropdown option by pressing it a second time
  • Fixed display issues with unnamed workflows and deleted workflows
  • Resolved custom HTTP code setting issue for response actions
  • Added success notification for workflow deployment
  • Implemented undo & redo keyboard shortcut listeners
  • Improved routing to prevent infinite loop on navigating back
  • Added missing placeholder values for top-action description
  • Fixed duplicate title & icon display in DialogModal
  • Updated placeholder documentation links to actual documentation pages
  • Resolved code editor input clearing issue when going full screen in the debug moda

April 7, 2023

Introducing Debug Mode: Test Your APIs and Workflows within Fastgen

We're thrilled to announce the launch of a highly requested feature: Debug Mode! With Debug Mode, you can now test your APIs and Workflows directly within Fastgen without the need for external tools like Postman. This powerful addition will streamline your development process and help you diagnose issues more efficiently.

Debug Mode offers valuable insights into the execution of your workflows. You can easily see which actions have executed successfully and view context data for each action. This enables you to identify potential problems, fix them quickly, and optimize your APIs and Workflows to ensure they run smoothly.

To get started with Debug Mode, simply select the "Debug Mode" option from your API or Workflow editor. From there, you can input test data, run your API or Workflow, and analyze the results in real-time. With Debug Mode, you'll be able to fine-tune your projects faster than ever before.

As always, we're here to support you with any questions or assistance you may need. Feel free to reach out to our support team, and happy debugging! 🛠️

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed textarea dynamic height bug for a more consistent user experience
  • Added trim functionality (removal of spaces at the start and end) to multiple input fields for cleaner data input
  • Improved modal behavior to prevent closure when accidentally clicking outside the modal (over black opacity)
  • Fixed Cron selector bug where setting the top-most dropdown to minutes wouldn't update the cron interval, ensuring accurate scheduling
  • Refresh JWT token for web socket after the user switches accounts for a secure and seamless experience
  • Fixed sign-up error margins (empty spaces) for a polished appearance
  • Display all projects in the project switcher as soon as the user joins a new team for improved navigation and organization

March 24, 2023

External PostgreSQL Database Integration

We're thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to fastgen – the ability to connect your own external PostgreSQL database! This powerful feature offers you more control, flexibility, and security when managing your data.

Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a more robust data management experience. By connecting your external PostgreSQL database, you can replace our hosted database and leverage your own infrastructure for increased scalability and data security.

Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed documentation link now correctly directs from /introduction page to /overview
  • Variable form of action name has been fixed to ensure accurate representation of action names in variables
  • Whole page scrolling on MultiSelectComponent dropdown has been resolved for an enhanced user experience when interacting with multi-select components
  • Added frontend implementation for the != operator, expanding logical operations for better workflow customization
  • Connect bar has been added to Actions (ChatGPT, Sendgrid, Slack, Twilio) for a streamlined connection process for third-party integrations
  • Removed the copy-key button below action name to simplify the action interface for improved usability
  • A key icon with tooltip for actionKey has been added for better visibility and understanding of action keys
  • Implemented fixed height for error messages to ensure a consistent interface and smoother user experience
  • Fixed Firefox invite code buttons, enhancing compatibility and functionality across different browsers
  • Refactored the code editor fullscreen for an improved code editing experience with an optimized fullscreen view
  • Added .item and .value for copy key value, simplifying the process of copying key values within workflows
  • Introduced dynamic textarea heights and replaced some inputs for enhanced visibility and usability of text input areas
  • Fixed incorrect action icons in flow to ensure accurate representation of actions for a more intuitive workflow experience
  • Resolved the code editor cursor jump issue, with the cursor now accurately remaining in the correct position during editing

March 17, 2023

New Integrations: Sendgrid, Slack, Twilio & ChatGPT

We're excited to announce that we've added four powerful integrations to fastgen. Now, you can seamlessly connect your workflows with Sendgrid, Twilio, Slack, and ChatGPT to enhance your automation capabilities.

Our new Sendgrid integration lets you incorporate email functionality directly into your workflows. Send static content or customize your emails using dynamic content to ensure they're tailored to your recipients.

Stay connected with your users through SMS. Our Twilio integration empowers you to build workflows that enable communication between your application and users via text messages. Automate notifications and reminders with ease.

Keep your team informed and collaborate effortlessly. With our Slack integration, you can send messages to channels. Trigger updates based on events in your application or database, and customize the content to include relevant information.

Bring the power of AI to your workflows. The ChatGPT integration enables you to add natural language processing to your projects. Automate customer support, generate dynamic responses, or analyze sentiment with the help of AI.

To get started with these new integrations, simply head to the Integrations section in your Workflow builder and connect your Sendgrid, Twilio, Slack, or ChatGPT accounts. We can't wait to see the workflows you'll create! As always, we're here to help if you have any questions or need assistance.  Happy building! 🎉

Fixes & Improvements

  • Add Variable Action to simplify the process of creating and managing variables within your workflows
  • Fix bug that resets the date in the virtual list on first open
  • Remove gaps between selected range dates for a cleaner appearance
  • Automatically scroll down to the bottom once a new row is added, ensuring you can easily view and edit the latest entry
  • Sync store state across browser tabs for a consistent user experience
  • Fixed IfAction and SwitchAction syntax: strings now require quotation marks, booleans or numbers can be entered directly
  • Fix bug where some actions didn’t trigger auto-save, ensuring your work is always saved
  • Route back to the corresponding list view when clicking on a Route List item in the header of a page for easier navigation
  • Update validation for HTTP Modal to prevent errors and improve user experience
  • Use sentence casing for error messages for better readability
  • Added store for API list, workflow list, and database list to improve loading times
  • Adjusted header on workflow/api flowchart page for a cleaner look
  • Added action description to header (API and workflow) to provide more context
  • Removed help button flowchart page for a less cluttered interface
  • Added entry animation for create pages (API, workflow, database) for a smoother experience
  • Set fixed height for rows on list pages for a consistent look
  • Adjusted option icon and added the same header from API flowchart to table view page for a unified appearance
  • Fixed workflow clone redirect to the correct page to ensure proper navigation
  • Adjusted background colors on create pages for a more visually appealing design

March 14, 2023

Hello, World!

We're excited to announce the launch of our private beta for Fastgen.

Fastgen is a low-code API and workflow builder with an integrated Postgres DB. Our drag-and-drop platform allows you to rapidly develop custom APIs and workflows with ease. Our team has been hard at work to create the tool we wish we had in our previous company, a platform that simplifies the API and workflow development process. With our low-code builder, you can create custom APIs and workflows in minutes, even if you have little to no coding experience.

Our integrated Postgres DB makes it even easier to create, read, update, and delete data in your applications. You can now easily build and manage your database alongside your APIs and workflows, all within our platform. We believe that our low-code platform will transform the way developers and businesses approach API and workflow development. Our goal is to provide a solution that streamlines development processes and empowers individuals and teams to build robust applications quickly.

We hope you'll enjoy using our platform as much as we enjoy creating it. Stay tuned for more updates and all the exciting features coming soon.